The following letter was published in Broadsheet No. 63, February, 1971. Broadsheet was published by the Sydney Libertarians. Broadsheet was published 1957-1979. It was continued by Heraclitus 1980-2006 and that continued by The Sydney Realist 2005- (current).
Scans of the original journal were provided by Voluntary Committee of Sydney Realists.
The article on Illegalism (Broadsheets 60 & 61) was naturally of great interest to me. Novatore, as far as I know, did not view his “aristocratic spirits” as having anything to do with the hereditary aristocracy. He was greatly influenced by Nietzsche and could be said to view individualists in the light of the “overman” conception – natural aristocrats in the sense that their superiority came from their strength, not from their birth. Martucci – who claims a hereditary aristocratic ancestry – agrees with Novatore on this point. Not being able to read more than a few fragments of Italian the above is mostly inference. Novatore’s son Renzo Ferrari is still alive and would, perhaps, confirm or deny if asked.
S.E. Parker
(S.E. Parker publishes Minus One, an individualistic anarchist review, from 2 Orsett Terrace, London, W.2.)